Manufacturing Operations
Qualitative Data Analysis Using Strutural Equation Modeling (Smart PLS)
Duration (Days)
This course is designed for researcher to learn how to conduct research studies using the latest data techniques which is an important skills needed by academicians and practitioners. This training aims to provide an introduction to data analysis approaches applied for data collection, analysis and interpretation. Through introducing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the program seeks to educate participants on how to test and develop theories and investigate various business and organizational-related problems by modeling latent variables.
Demonstrate an understanding of Structural Equation Modeling
Construct and analyze complex structural models
Perform PLS Algorithm and Bootstrapping to assess measurement and structural models
Test hypotheses using SEM
Course Outline
Introduction of structural equation modelling āØ
Why SmartPLS: reasons, advantages and justification āØ
Preparation prelimanry decisions āØ
Understanding reflective and formative measures āØ
Using SmartPLS: hands-on āØ
Two stage approach āØ
Assessing measurement model (convergent validity, factor loadings, composite reliability, collinearity, discriminant validity)
āØAssessing structural model (bootstrapping and blindfolding, assessing R-square, assessing effect size, assessing Q-square)
Moderator analysis āØ
Mediator analysis āØ
Decisions on hypotheses āØ
Reporting results